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Student Writing

Writing Tutoring

Students must pass all Phonics level and complete the Learning How to Learn seminar prior to engaging in the writing program.

In addition to the individualized reading program we also offer tutoring services for writing. Below we have listed the various study guides we offer. We use the term study guide because it is a step-by-step checksheet with keywords and concepts that help your child better understand the subject he or she is learning. We use this as a tool to keep each session focused and maintain a gradient (step-by-step) approach to instruction.

We begin all Language Arts services with the Basic Language Arts Study Guide and Small Common Words Study Guide. This sets a strong foundation for the understanding of many concepts related to Language Arts. Once these two study guides are completed the next step is determined by what your child needs to work on. Most students benifit from doing the Parts of Speech Study Guide next. However, if you are trying to boost their reading and comprehension it is recommended to do How to Review Writing for Middle School and Advanced How to Review Writing for High School.

In order to complete a Study Guide, your child must be able to complete the Review with 100% accuracy.  This is to ensure your child has a complete understanding of the material covered. This will prevent any future misapplications or misunderstandings.

Requirements necessary before starting study guide:

Reading at 4th grade or above  (This determined by the WRAT assessment.)*

Learning How to Learn Seminar (2 hour seminar given weekly.) 

*For children who assess weakly at or under 4th grade reading we will do the Repairing Reading and Phonics Program.*

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